JP in the News
Take a look at media highlights featuring Juris P. Prudence and her incredible
journey to inspire the next generation of young legal minds !
How the book character Juris P. Prudence encourages girls of color to pursue their dreams, Good Morning America (February 2020)
Member Spotlight: Jessica Childress Inspires Kids to Dream of Law Career, DC Bar (October 2020)
Meet Jessica Childress, More than Esquires Network (November 2017)
Meet Juris P. Prudence (Tennesee Bar Association Blog) (April 2017)
Juris Prudence’s Chief Executive Dreamer, Jessica Childress, is Recognized in the Spring 2018 Issue of UVA Lawyer as One of 68 Outstanding Black Alumni
On Combining Your Passion and Your Practice (The Happy Lawyer Project)
Passion and Purpose: Interviews with Legal and Health Professionals (Huffington Post, December 2017)
Can Gratitude Make Millennials More Successful? (Forbes, November 2017)
How to Turn Your Hobby Into a Career (Success, October 2017)
Women in the Law (Virginia Living, October 2017)
UVA Law Alum Jessica Childress On Charlottesville, Children’s Books, And Attorneys Of Color (Above the Law, September 2017)
The brief case of Juris Prudence, or how a Petworth children’s author aims to diversify the legal profession” (Petworth News, August 2017)
Local Author Donates Books with Big Message to School ” (WUSA 9, November 2015)
A message from Juris P. Prudence: Writing your story with your legal career (ABA For Law Students, Before the Bar Blog, November 2015)
Kids Book Heroine Could Draw New Students to Law (Virginia Public Radio/NPR, June 2017)
Here’s Prudence: UVA Law Alumna Introduces Kids to Young, Heroine Lawyer (UVaToday, February 2017)
Juris P. Prudence’s assignment- thanking a mentor! (ABA for Law Students, Before the Bar Blog, April 2017)
J.P. & Associates (Hillrag Magazine, December 2014)